Stairs to Bromo Crater

stairs to bromo crater, bromo volcano, gunung bromo, lautan pasir, mountains, sea of sand, stairs, steps, tengger caldera, volcanic ash
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Stairs to Bromo Crater

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View from the top of the Bromo Volcano stairs (Java, Indonesia)

A stairs makes it a bit easier to reach the Crater of the Bromo Volcano. But recent Bromo eruptions have deposited several feet of volcanic ash over the stairs, which is still partly buried, with steps covered with ash.

In the background, you can see Pura Luhur Poten, the Bromo Hindu temple (rectangular structure at the top-left of the photo), and the flat and dusty Tengger caldera called Lautan Pasir (Sea of Sand).

For more information about Bromo Volcano, read

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on September 13, 2011
Jalan Cemorolawang - Sukapura, Sukapura, Indonesia
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