dream: (4338 photos)
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Glossy Swiftlet Flying - Collocalia Esculenta
Communication Tower with Microwave Repeaters
Ocean Sunset on Bira Beach
Hanging Sting Rays at Fish Stand - Reticulate Whipray
Flattened Dry Fish Hanging
Flattened Dry Fishes Hanging
Deforestation in Sulawesi - Parcel of Jungle Forest Cleared for Oil Palm Plantation
House Moving - People Lift and Carry a House to a New Place
House Moving - People Lift and Carry an Entire House to a New Location
Coastal Landscape in Northern Sulawesi
Food Dog Biting Cage, Waiting to Be Slaughtered at Dog Meat Market
Bats and Their Wings - Bushmeat at Meat Market
Glossy Swiftlet - Collocalia Esculenta
Glossy Swiftlet - Collocalia Esculenta
Cave Spider - Sulawesi
Cave Spider - Sulawesi
Glossy Swiftlet on Cave Ceiling - Collocalia Esculenta
Glossy Swiftlet and Nest - Collocalia Esculenta
Glossy Swiftlet on Cave Ceiling - Collocalia Esculenta
Glossy Swiftlet - Collocalia Esculenta
Hazy Black-Sand Beach
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Indonesian Boys Jumping in the Sea
Indonesian Boys Jumping in the Sea
Indonesian Boys Jumping on Beach
Music Mini-Cassette Tapes Store
Pakaya Tower in Limboto
Costal Landscape in Eastern Sulawesi
Pura Leboni - Hindu Temple near Tentena
Butcher Cutting the Carcass of a Fruit Bat
Bats at Meat Market - Indonesia
Singed Fruit Bats Wings at Meat Market
Singed Fruit Bats Wings
Singeing a Fruit Bat Wing with a Blowtorch
Singeing a Fruit Bat Wing with a Blowtorch
Cannibalism in River Crabs
Cannibal River Crab
Water Droplets - Raging River - Whitewater
Palindo Megalithic Statue- Bada Valley
Indonesian Boys Sitting on Shoulders
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