dream: (4338 photos)
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River Bed in the East Khasi Hills (India)
Khasi Woman Chewing Betel Nut Quids (India)
Little Boys Fooling around (India)
The Wettest Place on Earth - Sign (India)
Indian School Bus - Overloaded Car (India)
Khasi Dolmen - Table-Stone - Memorial Stones (India)
Ancient Khasi Burial Site - Small Burial Chamber (India)
Ancient Khasi Burial Site - Small Burial Chamber (India)
Ancient Khasi Burial Site - Burial Chamber (India)
Excavator Ripping up Old Asphalt - Doosan DX225LC (India)
High Cliffs near Cherrapunji - East Khasi Hills (India)
Rugged Valley in East Khasi Hills (India)
Landscape Panorama - Cherrapunji - East Khasi Hills (India)
Doosan Excavator DX225LC Ripping up Old Asphalt (India)
Indian Excavator Operator and His Machinery - Doosan DX225LC (India)
Dried Tobacco Leaves at Street Market (India)
Overloaded River Boat Transporting Sand (India)
Truck Hanging off Bridge - Traffic Accident (India)
Truck Hanging off Overpass - Traffic Accident (India)
Overloaded Sand Boat (India)
Semi Truck Frontal Collision (India)
Villagers near Overturned Truck (India)
Indian Boys near Underbelly of Overturned Truck (India)
Semi Truck Head-on Collision (India)
Passenger Loading Luggage on Indian Bus - Pushing Large Bundle over the Head (India)
Truck Hanging off Bridge - Traffic Accident (India)
Truck Hanging off Bridge - Traffic Accident (India)
Farmer Holding Calf near Cow Nipples
Man with Brown Sheep (India)
Goat Kids - Young Goats (India)
Farmers with Goats on Leash - Cattle Market (India)
Farmers with Calves at Cattle Market (India)
Cane Juice Machine (India)
Indian Man with Toothy Smile (India)
Goat Balls (India)
Putting Rope through Cow Nose Piercing (India)
Blood on Overturned Truck Windshield (India)
Young Water Buffalo with Hay on Nose (India)
Old Hindu Shrine in Indian Village
Indian Woman Making Earthen Floor in House
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