dream: (4338 photos)
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Kagbeni Gompa - Tibetan Buddhist Monastery (Nepal)
Whitewashed Traditional Stones Houses on Main Street - Marpha Village - Himalayas (Nepal)
Dhaulagiri Peak and Its Glacier (Nepal)
Jeeps on Mountain Dirt Road - Kali Gandaki Valley - Annapurnas (Nepal)
Whitewashed Houses - Main Street - Buddha Shopping Complex (Nepal)
Whitewashed Stone House - Marpha - Himalayas (Nepal)
Kagbeni Village - Kali Gandaki Valley - Himalayas (Nepal)
Unfinished Clay Sculptures - Missing Hands (India)
Overturned Truck with Twisted Frame (India)
Cenotaphs - Hindu Memorial Monuments (India)
Disassembled Truck Engine (India)
Sculptor Making Clay Sculptures on Road Side (India)
Hydrostatic Displacement Lubricator of Steam Locomotive (India)
Steam Locomotive Pulling Train - Darjeeling (India)
Indian Truck Driver - Overturned Truck - TATA Motors (India)
Overturned Truck in Ditch (India)
Hands of Sculptor Working with Clay
Overturned Truck - TATA - Accident (India)
Tiri - Mustang District (Nepal)
Stupa in Kagbeni Village (Nepal)
Traditional Mud Houses - Kagbeni (Nepal)
Mud House - Kagbeni Village - Annapurnas (Nepal)
Kagbeni Village Street (Nepal)
Women Plucking Tea Leaves in Tea Plantation (India)
Orange Lizard with Long Tail - Changeable Lizard - Eastern Garden Lizard (India)
Enjoy Your Ride, Don't Commit Suicide - Road Sign (India)
Construction Workers Moving Stones (India)
Indian People near the Darjeeling Road Landslide (India)
The End of the Road - Darjeeling Road Landslide (India)
Tindharia Landslide - Darjeeling (India)
Black Lingam with Om - Hindu Symbolism (India)
Straight Razor Shave (India)
TATA Truck with Disassembled Engine (India)
Small Cenotaphs - Memorial Monuments (India)
Steam Locomotives - Darjeeling (India)
Steam Train Engines - Darjeeling (India)
Steam Locomotive Controls and Valves (India)
Steam Locomotives - Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Train Yard (India)
Prayer Flags (India)
Woman Picking Tea Leaves - Tea Plantation - Harvesting (India)
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