dream: (4338 photos)
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Boats and Hindu Pilgrim Bathing in the Ganges River at Sangam - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Kankrej Cows - Big Horn Oxes - Hare Krishna Oxcart (India)
Holy Bath in Ganges River at Triveni Sangam - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Slacklining - Slack Rope Walking - Street Circus Artist (India)
Boats and Flower Offerings on the Ganges River
Kumbh Mela (India) - Huge Crowd Gathering at Sangam for the Holy Bath in the Ganges River
Crowd of Hindu Pilgrims Gathering at Sangam for the Holy Bath in the Ganges River at the Kumbh Mela (India)
Allahabad Fort - Boats on the Yamuna River (India)
Kumbh Mela (India) - Millions of Hindu Pilgrims Gathering at Sangam for the Holy Bath in the Ganges River
No Entry without Helmet - Army Sign at Allahabad Fort (India)
Allahabad Fort - Row Boats on the Yamuna River (India)
Naked Baba - Naga Sadhu with Vibhuti Holy Ash (India)
Slacklining - Slack Rope Walking - Young Street Circus Performer (India)
Hindu Pilgrims on Row Boat on the Ganges River at Sangam - Kumbh Mela (India)
Hippie Girls at Rainbow Camp - Kumbh Mela 2013
Hippie Rainbow Camp at Kumbh Mela 2013
Woman Riding Royal Enfield Bullet Thunderbird Motorcycle
Couple Riding Royal Enfield Bullet Thunderbird Motorcycle
Woman Riding Royal Enfield Bullet Thunderbird Motorcycle
Hippie Rainbow Camp at Kumbh Mela 2013
Hippie Rainbow Camp at Kumbh Mela 2013
Woman Putting Motorbike on Center Stand
Woman Riding Royal Enfield Bullet Thunderbird Motorcycle
Woman Riding Royal Enfield Bullet Thunderbird Motorcycle
My Friend Jasmin at Kumbh Mela 2013
My Friend Jasmin at Kumbh Mela 2013
Hippie Little Girl with Dreadlocks - Ilita
Indian Kankrej Cows with Big Horns
Rajasthan Kankrej Ox with Large Horns
Ashram Gate at Kumbh Mela 2013
Hindu Man with Bushy Eyebrows
Flying Hanuman - Hindu God Sculpture
Three People Riding a Royal Enfield Bullet Motorbike
Hippie Hat - Rainbow Camp - Kumbh Mela 2013
Woman Riding a Royal Enfield Bullet Motorbike
Hippie Girls Making Dreadlocks Hair
Mobile Ashram "Art Car" at Kumbh Mela 2013
Indian Kankrej Cow with Very Big Horns
Hippies Sitting in Supper Circle at Rainbow Camp - Kumbh Mela 2013
Krishna - Hindu God Sculpture with Five Headed Naga Snake
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