man (2583 photos)
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Elephant with Sawed-Off Tusks in the Street (India)
Man Smoking Cigarette (India)
Hindu Man with Red Turban (India)
Man Making Chai - Sailana (India)
Man and Oxes Operating a Water Well - near Udaipur (India)
Hindu Holy Man Shopping for a Cobra Sculpture for His Temple - Udaipur (India)
Elephant with His Mahout
Elephant and Mahout on His Trump
Elephant and Auto-rickshaw
Overturned Truck (India)
Elephant in the Street (India)
Old Hindu Man with Scarf (India)
Touching the Breasts of Hindu Goddess Parvati Brings Good Luck - Underground Hindu and Buddhist Temples - Ellora Caves (India)
Two Guys in the Palace Ruine - Mandu (India)
Man Milking Cow (India)
Saree Shop (India)
Hindu Pilgrim on Cycle Rickshaw (India)
Men Preparing Samosas - Sanawad (India)
Man Steering Milk Pot - Sanawad (India)
Decorated Horse En Route for a Wedding (India)
Lathe Operator in Machine Shop
Lathe and Operator
Load Bearers - Delhi (India)
Load Bearer Sleeping - Delhi (India)
Load Bearers Sleeping on Their Carts - Delhi (India)
Baba (Hindu Holy Man) with Cow - Orchha (India)
Sadhu (Hindu Holy Man) - Orchha (India)
Sadhu (Hindu Holy Man) with Chimpta - Orchha (India)
Young Guru (Hindu Holy Man) Performing Ceremony - Orchha (India)
A Family of Five on a Motorbike (India)
Bearded Wallah Portrait - Delhi (India)
Lathe Operator - Machine Shop
Lathes in Machine Shop - Worker
Load Bearer Sleeping - Delhi (India)
Indian Muslim Wallah - Delhi (India)
Sadhus (Hindu Holy Men) - Orchha (India)
Sadhu (Hindu Holy Man) - Orchha (India)
Young Guru (Hindu Holy Man) Performing Sacrament Ceremony - Orchha (India)
Getting My Cracked Rack Welded - Manali (India)
Dhaba in Khoksar - Manali to Leh Road (India)
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