plants (105 photos)
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Venus Flytrap - Carnivorous Plants - Dionaea Muscipula
Lotus Flower - Water Lily
Lotus Flower - Close-up
Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis - Hibiscus Flower
The Lotus Effect
The Lotus Effect - Water Droplets on Hydrophobe Lotus Leaf
Amazon Giant Water Lily Leaf - Victoria Amazonica
Cuscuta Californica - California Dodder Parasitic Plant
Split Pomegranates at Farmers Market
Juicy Red Pomegranates at Fruit Market
Red Salvia Flower (Macro)
Monophyllaea in Natural Cave
Climbing Vine on Mossy Rock
Tropical Fern Leaves - Gunung Gading National Park (Borneo)
Diamond Joey Palm - Johannesteijsmannia Altifrons
Tropical Palm Plant - Johannesteijsmannia Altifrons
Pitcher Plant - Nepenthes Rafflesiana
Ginkgo Biloba Leaves
Tree and Liana in Rain Forest
Liana Making a Loop - Jungle (Borneo)
Korthalsia Palm - Fan-Shaped Leaves
Sterculia Macrophylla - Young Red Leaves
Merremia Peltata Plant (Borneo)
Plant with Round Leaves - Rubiaceae
Pometia Pinnata Plant (Borneo)
Epiphyte Plant on Tree Trunk (Borneo)
Bamboo Forest - Gunung Mulu National Park (Borneo)
Ficus - Strangler Fig Tree
Strangler Fig Tree - Ficus
Palm Leaf in the Jungle (Borneo)
Buttress Roots - Tualang Tree (Borneo)
Bracket Fungi on Dead Tree
Lianas on Tree Trunk
Bracket Fungus on Dead Wood
Strangler Fig Tree Squeezing Another Trees (Borneo)
Korthalsia Palm Leaves
Plants Growing on Dead Tree
Bird's Nest Fern - Asplenium Nidus
Tree with Aerial Roots in the Jungle (Borneo)
Entangled Tree Roots in the Jungle (Borneo)
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