tree (165 photos)
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Full Moon behind Trees
Ficus - Strangler Fig Tree
Strangler Fig Tree - Ficus
Buttress Roots - Tualang Tree (Borneo)
Lianas on Tree Trunk
Tree with Aerial Roots in the Jungle (Borneo)
Entangled Tree Roots in the Jungle (Borneo)
Ficus Fig Tree Strangling Another Tree
Psychotria - Creeper Vine
Flowers on Tropical Tree Trunk - Baccaurea
Wild Burro Eating Bush
Climbing a Tree at Darwin Falls
Joshua Tree - California Desert
Lone Joshua Tree in the Desert (California)
Kite Merchant in Park (Jakarta)
Tree with Color Light Strings - Fatahillah Square at Night
Woman on a Tree - Darwin Falls
Darwin Falls Waterfall (Death Valley)
Angel's Trumpet Flowers
Hiker Resting on Tree Trunk (Vantana Wilderness)
Shredded Redwood Tree Trunk (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Climbing on a Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker on Tree Stump - Redwood Forest (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Resting on Fallen Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Crossing a Fallen Tree Bridge (Vantana Wilderness)
Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Trunk of Fallen Redwood (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Walking on Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Fallen Redwood Tree on Trail (Vantana Wilderness)
Fallen Tree on Trail (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiking Trail Cutting through Fallen Redwood Tree Trunks (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Passes a Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Jumping from a Fallen Tree in Redwood Forest
Tree Hugger - Women Hugging a Fallen Redwood Tree
Tree Bridge - Fallen Redwood Tree Makes Natural Bridge for Hikers
Foggy Trail in Rainforest
Foggy Trail in Rainforest
Foggy Rainforest - Trail to Pura Lempuyang Temple - Gunung Seraya Mountain (Bali)
Yawning Macaque Monkey
Angel's Trumpet Flowers
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