Yak Skull - Sacrifice Offering on House Roof (Nepal)

yak skull - sacrifice offering on house roof (nepal), annapurnas, house, kali gandaki valley, mountains, offerings, roof, sacrifice, skeleton, yak skull
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Yak Skull - Sacrifice Offering on House Roof (Nepal)

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Small shrine on the roof of a house in Syang village (Nepal)

On the roof of each house in the villages of this region, there is a small shrine made of painted in white, with yak skulls. I assume the yaks were sacrificed to protect the house.

I suppose this is a Tibetan tradition. Not sure if this is related to Buddhism, Hinduism, or some older Animist belief.

If you know more about this tradition, please post a Comment!

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on March 17, 2013
Beni Jomsom Sadak, Annapurna Conservation Area, Jomsom 33100, Nepal
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