Bad Road to Bada Valley

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Bad Road to Bada Valley

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Bad Road to Bada Valley - Sulawesi Island, Indonesia

The road to Bada valley is very good. There are many passages with gravel or even mud.

I went to Bada valley to see the mysterious megaliths. Bada valley is very remote, and the trip involves taking a small mountain road from Poso lake. I started the trip on motorbike, with a couple of other tourists. The road became so steep that the tourists on automatic scooters had to turn back, as the road that too steep for their scooters! My semi-auto motorbike had no problem (that's the type of bike locals use). There were numerous fallen trees on the road, from storms a few days before.

At some point there was a major landslide that blocked the whole road. Locals managed to clear it up with just hand shovels.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on March 4, 2016
[location not available]