Burning Man - Climbing the Sirsasana Un-Side-Down Tree

burning man - climbing the sirsasana un-side-down tree, climbing, leaves, sirsasana headstand, vertical
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Burning Man - Climbing the Sirsasana Un-Side-Down Tree

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Someone is climbing Sirsasana, the up-side-down tree.

View from the top, we can see the leaves of the Sirsasana inverted tree structure, near the ground (they act as shade).

"Sirsasana - Headstand" by Srikanth Guttikonda, Josh Zubkoff, & Looking Up Arts - www.lookingup.art/sirsasana

The structure was climbable, but required some rock climbing technique, which I liked. It was very well designed, very strong, obviously a lot of work was put into its design.

Rising 30 feet from the playa, Sirsasana is a whimsical inverted tree with its roots reaching for the sky. Its trunk is interwoven wooden arcs based on the golden ratio that form a hyperboloid. Sirsasana represents the ability to re-learn one’s own nature, the ability to change, to create new perspectives. It was born from a thought experiment that if a human can do Vrksasana, the tree pose in yoga, then can a tree do Sirsasana, a human-centric headstand pose?

Photo taken at the Burning Man 2022 festival (Black Rock Desert, Nevada).

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on September 2, 2022
Black Rock City, Pershing county, Nevada, USA
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