"Pathogen Trackers camp" - pathogentrackers.com/ - www.instagram.com/pathogentrackers
Binary Conveyance & Observation semi truck trailer. I have absolutely no idea what "Binary Conveyance & Observation" means!
There is a very interesting thread about the Pathogen Trackers camp on Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/comments/1bqt93g/whats_the_st...
wholemoon_org wrote in this reddit thread:
Pathogen Trackers used to be a high end plug and play swinger camp ran by just ask George. Just ask George wanted to move his swinging operation to Jamaica or some shit, so after pathogen tracker was placed for 2023 burn, multi ban billionaire Brock bought the camp (all those dope vehicles, and 80 acres in Gerlach $400k) so he could do what he does every year. The worst forms of plug and play, all day, each day.
Did a deep dive on these interesting folks in 2023 when my group was scheming on how to buy the land.
Brock’s previous several camps have been banned. He has people stand in as camp tco while he bottom lines everything. As far as the 80 acres, George had a huge pad and road cut in and for 4 years that equipment (thing in photo is part of a massive fleet) lived along with everything needed to run a pretty fucking dope bm camp. Drop anchor theme camp, with everything ready to deploy and burn.
Photo taken at the Burning Man 2022 festival (Black Rock Desert, Nevada).