Burning Man - Soma - Giant Neuron by the Flaming Lotus Girls

burning man - soma - giant neuron by the flaming lotus girls, burning man at night, dendrites, fire, neurone, soma
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Burning Man - Soma - Giant Neuron by the Flaming Lotus Girls

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Soma, created by the Flaming Lotus Girls, captures the essence of a neuron. Spinning balls of fire act as nuclei within the dodecahedron cell bodies. Dendrites extend up into the sky and reach down to the earth, emitting constant flame and color changing light. Along her axon, extend eighteen individually controlled fire effects across the stainless steel arch with sequenced LEDs on the underside.

For more information about this art installation, go to www.flaminglotus.com/

Photo taken at the Burning Man 2009 festival (Black Rock Desert, Nevada).

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on September 1, 2009
Black Rock City, Pershing county, Nevada, USA
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