Futuristic Fashion - Aluminium Tubes - Peacock Feathers Headdress

futuristic fashion - aluminium tubes - peacock feathers headdress, aluminium tubes, costume, face painting, facepaint, futuristic, hat, headdress, joe escobedo, makeup, man, peacock feathers, white
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Futuristic Fashion - Aluminium Tubes - Peacock Feathers Headdress

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Fashion Model and Stylist Joe Escobedo ( theglambox.me/ )

Futuristic Fashion - Aluminium Tubes - Peacock Feathers Headdress

Photo taken at the 2010 How Weird Street Faire in San Francisco.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on May 9, 2010
191-199 2nd St, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA
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