Mien Yao/Dao Tribe Woman with Impressive Headwear - Vietnam

mien yao/dao tribe woman with impressive headwear - vietnam, asian woman, colorful, dao, dzao tribe, gold teeth, hat, headdress, hill tribes, indigenous, mien yao tribe, mèo vạc
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Mien Yao/Dao Tribe Woman with Impressive Headwear - Vietnam

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Mien Yao/Dao tribe woman with impressive headwear (Mèo Vac, Vietnam)

The teeth covered with gold-like metal indicate that this woman is married. It's convenient: as soon as the woman or teenage girl smiles, you know if she is single or not! Girls from ethnic minorities (i.e. tribes) marry at about 14 or 15 years of age.

See more smiles with golden teeth!.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on November 20, 2005
4B, Mèo Vạc District, Ha Giang, Vietnam
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