Old Man with Hat

old man with hat, christian cross, eyeglasses, eyewear, hat, old man, pedro lopez-brito, pedro lĂłpez-brito, prescription glasses, spectacles
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Old Man with Hat

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Pedro, 90-year old, originally from Texas.

He was seeping a coffee in a fast-food restaurant in Merced, where we stopped on the way to Yosemite. This handsome man is in great shape. He kept joking and telling me stories. He lost tracks of how many great grand children he has. He has 8 children, and his wife died many years ago. All his children live far away in Texas so he is a bit lonely but he likes it here.

His secret for good health and living long: eating healthy, no smoking, no alcool and going to church every sunday. And a good sense of humor. He is not in a hurry to leave this world. Of course, he does not eat junk food at McDonalds. He just goes there to drink coffee and chat with people.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on April 9, 2011
[location not available]