Puppies for sale on the market (Cao Bằng, Vietnam)
The nearby market shop was selling dog meat (a delicacy in Vietnam). Therefore I think those puppies will be raised into adult dogs and when they are adult, they will eventually become "food dogs", not pets, i.e. dogs that are eaten as meat (e.g. just like piglets).
I did not include the photos of dog meat shops in my Vietnam Set, but you can see them in my photo-documentary about eating dog meat for dinner that I also took in Vietnam: "Thịt chó" means eating a (hot) dog - literally. But be advised that those are very GRAPHIC photos and not advised for children.
This photo is part of a series called Thịt chó: eating a (hot) dog. A lots of interesting comments and reactions have been posted on the various photo sites where this series has been published.