Transit of Venus 2012

transit of venus 2012, 2012, astronomy, planet venus, star, sun, telescope, transit of venus, venus transit
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Transit of Venus 2012

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Transit of Venus seen from the small telescope of a sidewalk astronomer (San Francisco)

The image of the sun is inverted by the telescope. The black dot is planet Venus transiting in front of the sun. The smaller spots are sunspots.

View my other photos of the Transit of Venus. This is a rare astronomical event: The next time this will happen is in year 2117.

The sky looks black through the telescope because of the very dark filter used to attenuate the brightness of the sun.

For more information about the Transit of Venus, read

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on June 5, 2012
1201-1209 Page St, San Francisco, CA 94117, USA
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