cutting (21 photos)
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Cutting the Dynamite Fuse - Drilling and Blasting - near Keylong - Manali to Leh Road (India)
69 Girl - Sarah
Meat - Preparing the Asado (Argentina)
Miner Grinding Metal
Sagu Starch Sold on Market
Butcher Cutting the Carcass of a Fruit Bat
Butcher Showing the Guts of a Fruit Bat
Butcher in Meat Shop
Goat Carcasses in Meat Shop
Sticky Rice in Banana Leaves Cooked in Bamboo
Kid Cutting Coconut
Abrasive Cut-off Saw Attached to Track Rail
Handheld Abrasive Saw
Handheld Cut-off Saw
Worker Cutting Track Rail with Abrasive Saw
Worker Cutting Rail with Handheld Abrasive Saw
Handheld Abrasive Saw
Handheld Cut-off Saw
Workers Cutting Rail with Cut-off Saw
Demolition of Municipal Railway Tracks
Street Barber - Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
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