decorated (73 photos)
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Blue Jeepneys (Philippines)
Colorful Jeepney (Philippines)
Yellow Jeepney at Jeepney Station (Philippines)
Jeepneys in Traffic Jam (Philippines)
Jeepneys on Street (Philippines)
Jeepney Front Grill (Philippines)
Green Jeepney (Philippines)
Jeepneys Parked at Station (Philippines)
Multicolor Jeepney - Front Grill (Philippines)
Colorful Jeepney - Front Grill (Philippines)
Row of Jeepneys in Parking Lot (Philippines)
Green Jeepney on Parking Lot (Philippines)
Red Jeepney at Jeepney Parking (Philippines)
Yellow Jeepney - Front Grill (Philippines)
Red Jeepney - Front Grill (Philippines)
Jeepney - Born to Fly (Philippines)
Jeepneys on the Road (Philippines)
Jeepney on Road (Philippines)
Jeepney Doing U-Turn (Philippines)
Jeepney Traffic (Philippines)
Two Jeepneys (Philippines)
Colorful Jeepney (Philippines)
House Door - Jaipur (India)
Car Decorated for Wedding (India)
Decorated Horse En Route for a Wedding (India)
Decorated Horse Sculpture - Painted
Horse Sculpture - Painted
Llama with Color Pompons
Llama with Carnival Pom-pons
Decorated Toraja House with Traditional Tongkonan Horn-Shape Roof
Burning Man - Woman with Decorated Face Mask at Center Camp Cafe
Burning Man - Decorated Staff
Decorated Wrought Iron Gate
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