draught horse (20 photos)
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Horse Feed Bag
Draft Horse with Feed Bag
Horse Feeding from Bucket
Carriage Horse - Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Draft Horse with Mask and Bridle
Horse Carriage in Street in Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Horse Carriage in Jogja Street
Horse Carriage in Jogja
Horse Carriages in the Street in Jogja
Horse Carriages Parked
Horse Carriages at Night on Malioboro - Jogja (Indonesia)
Horse Carriages at Night on Malioboro - Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Horse Carriage at Night on Malioboro Street - Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Draft Horse with Bridle, Mask and Blinders
Draft Horse with Bridle, Hood and Blinders
Horse with Bridle Mask and Blinders
Draught Horse with Bridle, Hood and Blinders
Horse with Blinders - Yogyakarta
Draft Horse Sticking Out Tongue
Horse with Clipped Ears
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