dream: (4338 photos)
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Covered Fish Market in Surabaya
Ice Merchant Pulling Two Large Blocks of Ice
Blue Crabs Sold at Fish Market
Smoked Fish Meat at Fish Market
Woman Selling Smoked Fish Meat at Fish Market
Aerial View of Regatta Buildings on Approach to Jakarta Airport (Java)
Gamecock Rooster on Ferryboat
Surabaya Port Security Patrol Motorcycle
SEIKO MARU - General Cargo Ship
Woman on Bicycle Selling Jamy (Traditional Herbal Medicine)
Squids Sold at Fish Market
Women Selling Blue Crabs at Fish Market
Sunset over the Java Sea (Indonesia)
Crewman Repainting Rusted Ferry Deck
TANTO SAKTI I General Cargo Ship
TANTO SAKTI I General Cargo Ship
Large Dome - Petrokimia Gresik - Gresik Petrochemical Plant - Surabaya (Indonesia)
BINTANG SAMUDRA 2 - Landing Craft
Seasoned Gamecock Rooster on Ferryboat
Ship Winch, Mooring Bollards and Braided Mooring Ropes
ALAM PENTING - Bulk Carrier
Indonesian Man with His Overloaded Motorbike
Yamaha Force FI 110Cc Motorcycle
Men Repainting Pinisi Wooden Boat Hull
Men Repainting Pinisi Wooden Boat Hull
Rusted Bow with Draft Measure Marks Anchors and
Colorful Ship Crane
Docked Bugis Schooner Boat Loaded with Goods - Traditional Wooden Cargo Boat
Men on Suspended Scaffold Repainting Pinisi Boat - Traditional Wooden Cargo Boat
P&H Dock Crane in Surabaya Harbor
Docked Bugis Schooner "Adila" Loaded with Goods - Traditional Wooden Cargo Boat
Woman Carrying Bag on Head
Family with Kids in Motorized Rickshaw
Street Stand at Fish Market
Women Selling Clam or Mussel Meat at Fish Market
Small River Boats Carrying Barrels of Water
Rice Paddy Fields in Terraces (Java Island, Indonesia)
Rice Paddy Fields in Terraces
Freeway Interchange Aerial View (Jakarta)
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