dream: (4338 photos)
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Truck and Traditional Pinisi Boat at the Makassar Harbor
Man Carrying Large Fishes at Fish Market
Bows of Traditional Pinisi Boats (Bugis Schooners) Docked at the Makassar Harbor
Bows of Traditional Pinisi Boats (Bugis Schooners) Docked at the Makassar Harbor
Bows of Traditional Pinisi Boats (Bugis Schooners) at the Makassar Harbor
Traditional Pinisi Boats (Bugis Schooners) at the Makassar Harbor
Bow of Traditional Pinisi Boat (Bugis Schooner)
Gamecocks on Ferryboat Ramp
TANTO SAKTI I General Cargo Ship
Sagar Ratan - Bulk Carrier Ship
Gresik Petrochemical Plant - Petrokimia Gresik - Surabaya (Indonesia)
New Light - Container Ship
Electrical Power Station of the Gresik Petro-chemical Plant - Surabaya (Indonesia)
Utility Barge Planting a Metal Pile in the Sea Floor
Bow of Overturned Sunken Ship - Wihan Sejahtera Ro-ro Ferryboat Shipwreck - Surabaya (Indonesia)
MITRA PROGRESS III - General Cargo Ship
SINAR JAMBI - Deck Cargo Ship
Merchant Ships Moored near Surabaya
Head of Gamecock Rooster
Trucks Waiting to Board Ro-ro Ferryboat Ship
Peeling Paint on Upper Deck of Ferryboat (Indonesia)
Ferryboat Deck with Parked Motorbikes
Safety + First - Docked Cargo Ship
Dock Workers Covered in White Powder
Dock Workers Covered in White Powder
Carved and Decorated Bow of Traditional Pinisi Wooden Boat
Row of Trucks on Surabaya Harbor Dock
Man on Suspended Scaffold Repainting Pinisi Boat - Traditional Wooden Cargo Boat
LESTARI INDAH v - General Cargo Ship
Ice Merchant with Block Ice
Sting Rays Stacked at Fish Market
Tied-up Crabs at Fish Market
Men Carrying Large Container with Bamboo Stick
Surabaya's Angguna Double Cabin Minibus Pickup
Passengers Boarding Air-Asia Airbus a320
Traditional Pinisi Boats (Bugis Schooners) at the Makassar Harbor
Surya Pekik - General Cargo Ship
Trucks Getting Parked on the Deck of the Ro-ro Ferryboat Ship
Row of Trucks on Surabaya Harbor Dock
Plastic Trash Floating in Makassar Harbor
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