dream: (4338 photos)
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Little Girl Holding Baby in Himalayan Village (India)
Group of Little Children in Himalayan Village (India)
Hindu Woman with Large Nose Ring Jewelry
Valley Slope with Terraced Rice Fields (India)
Alaknanda Valley near Joshimath (India)
Rice Fields in Fan-Shape Terraces (India)
Almora Bazar - Street Market in Almora (India)
Gopal Sah & Sons - for Better & Brighter Building Paints - Store Sign (India)
Barred Door with Padlocks (India)
Hindu Woman with Large Nose Ring
Hindu Woman with Large Nose Ring Jewelry (India)
Hindu Woman with Large Nose Ring Piercing Jewelry (India)
Tehri Dam - Tehri Hydro Power Project (India)
Crank Sewing Machines - Ortem - Pooja - Usha (India)
Indian Woman with Large Nose Ring (India)
Indian Groom with Ceremonial Headwear and Banknotes Necklace (India)
Panorama of the Tehri Reservoir in the Bhagirathi Valley (India)
Panorama of the Tehri Dam and Lake (India)
Chanthi Dobar Bridge - Construction of a Suspension Bridge over the Bhagirathi River (India)
Bihlangna River and Tehri Dam (India)
Tehri Dam (India)
Dentist Shop (India)
Denture Model in Dental Office (India)
Bhagirathi River Bed on the Way to Gangotri (India)
Tree Logging on the Road to Gangotri (India)
Bhagirathi River - Tehri Artificial Lake (India)
Bhagirathi River Valley near Sunagar (India)
Tehri Reservoir - Bhagirathi Valley (India)
Shrinagar Dam Construction (India)
Shrinagar Dam (India)
Rotec Tower-Belt Crane - Shrinagar Dam (India)
Peepal Dali Suspension Bridge over Tehri Reservoir (India)
Ruins of Submerged Village - Tehri Dam Lake (India)
Sacred Banyan Tree on the Triveni Ghat - Rishikesh (India)
Indian Groom with Fringes Hat at His Wedding (India)
Woman Making Hindu Offering in Ganges River - Triveni Ghat - Rishikesh (India)
Hindu Woman and Small Child in Ganges River with Offering (India)
Merry-Go-Round for Little Kids - Playground (India)
Adit to Tail Race Tunnel - Loharinag-Pala Hydro Power Project (India)
Maneri Dam (India)
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