equus (18 photos)
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Old-donkey - Ears (Bulgaria)
Donkey-wagon - Peasants - Road (Bulgaria)
Donkey - Nubra Valley - Ladakh (India)
Donkeys - Nubra Valley - Ladakh (India)
Hairy Donkey - Nubra Valley - Ladakh (India)
Donkeys with Jerrycans - Chang-La Pass - Ladakh (India)
Old Women on Donkey Cart (Bulgaria)
Brown Donkey
Horse Shackles with Chains
Row of Donkeys (Bolivia)
Shepherd with Injured Sheep on Donkey
Loading Sand on Donkey
Fruit Vendors on Donkey and Horse
Garbage Pickup Donkeys
Trash Pickup Donkeys
Wild Burro Eating Bush
Wild Death Valley Burro
Wild Burro - Donkey
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