forest (134 photos)
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Landscape in Tana Toraja, with Tongkonan Roofs
Landscape in Tana Toraja, with Tongkonan Roofs
Rock in Bamboo Forest
Toraja Village near Bamboo Forest
Toraja Rock-Tombs on Hill
Islamic Tomb in the Forest
Coastal Landscape in Northern Sulawesi
Costal Landscape in Eastern Sulawesi
Poso River - Sulawesi
Coastal Landscape in Northern Sulawesi
Sumber Air Panas Uwedaka - Hot Springs near Luwuk
Coastal Landscape in Northern Sulawesi
Tree Roots on Foot Trail
Gunung Gading National Park
Rusted Aqueduct Valve - Gunung Gading National Park (Borneo)
The Great Cave at Gua Niah - Niah Caves National Park (Borneo)
Gua Niah - Niah Caves (Borneo)
Painted Cave - Gua Niah - Niah National Park (Borneo)
Gua Niah - Sinkhole in Roof of Natural Cave
Huge Natural Cave - Gua Niah - Niah Caves National Park (Borneo)
Gua Niah - Painted Cave - Niah National Park (Borneo)
Walkway in the Jungle - Niah Caves (Borneo)
Gua Niah - Natural Cave (Borneo)
Gua Niah - Natural Cave in Rain Forest (Borneo)
Gua Niah - Natural Cave in Rain Forest (Borneo)
Gua Niah - Natural Cave in Rain Forest (Borneo)
The Great Cave at Gua Niah - Niah Caves - Natural Cave in Rain Forest (Borneo)
Gua Niah - Natural Cave in Rain Forest (Borneo)
Niah Caves in the Fog - Gua Niah (Borneo)
Tree and Liana in Rain Forest
Muddy Water Pond (Borneo)
Deforestation - Rain Forest Destruction (Borneo)
Deforestation - Rain Forest Cleared for Plantation (Borneo)
Lone Dead Tree in Cleaned Forest Parcel (Borneo)
Logging Barge on Muddy River
Liana Making a Loop - Jungle (Borneo)
Small Double Outrigger Fishing Canoe on Beach (Borneo)
Plastic Trash on Beach in Borneo
Kelambu Tied Island and Tombolo
Kelambu Tombolo Beach - Saba (Borneo)
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