forest (134 photos)
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Small Bridge Being Repaired
Pedestrian Bridge over a River (Borneo)
Small Boats on Mooring Poles (Borneo)
Small Village near River (Borneo)
Muddy River Meanders in the Jungle
Caving in Mulu - Clearwater Cave Mouth (Borneo)
Bamboo Forest - Gunung Mulu National Park (Borneo)
Pushing a Boat in the Shallow Waters of the Melinau River - Mulu (Borneo)
Pushing a Boat in the Shallow Waters of Sungai Melinau River - Mulu (Borneo)
Boatmen Pushing Boat up the Shallow Waters of the Melinau River - Mulu (Borneo)
Jungle Monkey Bridge (Borneo)
Monkey Bridge in the Jungle
Reflections in River Water
Monkey Bridge over Melinau River - Gunung Mulu National Park (Borneo)
Peaceful Jungle River (Borneo)
Deer Cave Mouth at Garden of Eden - Mulu (Borneo)
Deer Cave - Mulu (Borneo)
Deer Cave and Garden of Eden - Mulu (Borneo)
Garden of Eden - Mulu (Borneo)
Waterfall and Swimming Hole - Garden of Eden - Mulu (Borneo)
Double Waterfall - Garden of Eden - Mulu (Borneo)
Jungle Hut - Gunung Mulu National Park (Borneo)
Deer Cave Aerial (Borneo)
Giant Ferns at the Mouth of Deer Cave - Mulu (Borneo)
The Mouth of Deer Cave - Mulu (Borneo)
Old Military Plane - Malaysian Airforce
Big Sur Canyon (Vantana Wilderness)
Shredded Redwood Tree Trunk (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Climbing on a Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker on Tree Stump - Redwood Forest (Vantana Wilderness)
Big Sur River Valley - Vantana Wilderness
Hiker Resting on Fallen Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Crossing a Fallen Tree Bridge (Vantana Wilderness)
Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Walking on Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Fallen Redwood Tree on Trail (Vantana Wilderness)
Fallen Tree on Trail (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiking Trail Cutting through Fallen Redwood Tree Trunks (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Passes a Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Jumping from a Fallen Tree in Redwood Forest
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