furnace (15 photos)
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Shoveling Coal in Furnace of Steam Locomotive - Darjeeling (India)
Shoveling Coal in Steam Locomotive Furnace - Darjeeling (India)
Shoveling Coal in Furnace of Steam Locomotive - Darjeeling (India)
Shoveling Coal in Steam Locomotive Furnace - Darjeeling (India)
Rotary Kiln in Mercury Smelter (New Idria)
Rotary Kiln - Mercury Smelter - New Idria
Rotary Kilns in Mercury Smelter (New Idria)
Rivets on Rotary Furnace - New Idria (California)
Girth Gear - Rotary Kiln
Abandoned Factory (San Francisco)
Abandoned Industrial Furnace
Iron Grinding and Quenching in a Blacksmith Workshop (Delhi)
Steam Boiler - Morgan, Orr & Co
Steam Boiler Furnace - Casa De La Moneda - Potosi (Bolivia)
Old Brick Furnace in Basement
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