leaves (62 photos)
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Buffy Fish-Owl
Buffy Fish Owl
Ginkgo Biloba Leaves
Ginkgo Biloba Leaves
Christmas Lights in Ginkgo Tree
Korthalsia Palm - Fan-Shaped Leaves
Sterculia Macrophylla - Young Red Leaves
Merremia Peltata Plant (Borneo)
Plant with Round Leaves - Rubiaceae
Pometia Pinnata Plant (Borneo)
Epiphyte Plant on Tree Trunk (Borneo)
Palm Leaf in the Jungle (Borneo)
Korthalsia Palm Leaves
Bird's Nest Fern - Asplenium Nidus
Red Leaf - Macaranga
Rusty Grate with Ivy
Ivy on Rusty Grate
Rusty Grate with Ivy
Ivy on Rusty Grate Bars
Great Mormon Butterfly - Flying - Female (Papilio Memnon) - Vietnam
Marijuana - Cannabis Buds
Marijuana - Cannabis Tree
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