liza (42 photos)
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Oriental Garden Lizard - (India)
Orange Lizard with Long Tail - Changeable Lizard - Eastern Garden Lizard (India)
Liza's Eye with Hazel / Rusty Iris
Liz - Burning Man 2004 - Dusty Woman
Uta Stansburiana Elegans - Western Side-blotched Lizard
Lizard - Basilisk - Basiliscus
Monitor Lizard Meat
Monitor Lizard (Live) on the Market
Monitor Lizard Meat on the Market
Girls Playing with Small Blue-tail Lizard - "Pak Ou" Caves near Luang Prabang (Laos)
Girl Playing with Small Blue-tail Lizard (Laos)
Small Blue-tail Lizard in Child's Hand (Laos)
Common Side-Blotched Lizard - Uta Stansburiana
Toy Lizards and Pink Tennis Shoes
Giant Lizard - Burning Man 2005
Giant Lizard
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Lizard Roadkill - Sulawesi Island
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Tree Lizard - Green Crested Lizard
Tree Lizard - Green Crested Lizard
Green Crested Lizard - Bronchocela Cristatella
Tree Lizard - Green Crested Lizard
Lizard - Blue-throated Litter Skink (Borneo)
Spotted House Gecko - Gekko Monarchus (Borneo)
Fat Lizard in Hand - Chuckwalla
Dead Monitor Lizard - Road Kill
Road Kill - Monitor Lizard
Dead Monitor Lizard
Fat Lizard - Chuckwalla - Sauromalus Ater
Chuckwalla Climbing Rock - Fat Lizard (Death Valley)
Plastic Trash on Beach
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