lucknow (51 photos)
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Rows of Columns - Ambedkar Stupa -Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
Elephant Row - Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
Rows of Columns - Ambedkar Stupa - Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
Marble Esplanade and Columns under the Full Moon - Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
Pratibimb Sthal - Elephant Rows - Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
Elephant Rows - Dome Monuments - Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
Dome Monument - Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
Column Rows - Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
Domes - Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
Dome Monument - Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
Columns and Dome Monuments - Ambedkar Park - Lucknow (India)
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