machine (49 photos)
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Burning Man - "Walking Beast" Giant Motorized Spider
Communal Oil Press Machine in Indian Village
Communal Oil Press Machine in Indian Village
Pulley and Belt - Grands Moulins De Paris - Machine-fatiguee
Grands Moulins De Paris - Machine-rouillee
Building Demolition - Dinosaur-looking Hydraulic Pulverizer Jaws - Machinery - Breaking Walls
Burning Man - Walking Pod - Giant Walking Mechanical Spider Robot - Art Car
Burning Man - Walking Pod - Giant Mechanical Spider - Mutant Vehicle
Burning Man - Tracked Hydraulic Robot Crushing Bicycle - Subjugator
Mondo Spider - Burning Man 2006
Mondo Spider with Passenger - Burning Man 2006
Soda Machine - Pushkar (India)
Soda Machine - Pushkar (India)
Steam-powered Air Fan Used by Maharaja - Udaipur (India)
Lathes in Machine Shop
Alien Technology - Electromechanical Art by Carl Pisaturo (San Francisco)
Alien Technology - Electromechanical Art by Carl Pisaturo (San Francisco)
Alien Technology - Electromechanical Art by Carl Pisaturo (San Francisco)
Alien Technology - Electromechanical Art by Carl Pisaturo (San Francisco)
Alien Technology - Electromechanical Art by Carl Pisaturo (San Francisco)
Alien Technology - Electromechanical Art by Carl Pisaturo (San Francisco)
Burning Man - the Mondo Spider - Walking Machine
Burning Man - the Mondo Spider
Burning Man - Giant Motorized Mechanical Spider - the Walking Beast
Burning Man - Mondo Spider on Its Trailer
Walking Lawn-mowing Robot - Burning Man Decompression
Ball Graining Lithography Machine with Steel Balls - Print Shop (India)
Spike Driver - Tirefonneuse - Machine Used for Screwing Rails on Ties - Track Maintenance
Ore Processing Plant - Potosi (Bolivia)
Sludge - Ore Processing Plant - Silver Mine - Potosi (Bolivia)
Refining the Sludge - Ore Processing Plant - Candelaria Silver Mine - Potosi (Bolivia)
Human Powered Machine - Drive Shaft - Casa De La Moneda - Potosi (Bolivia)
Wood Gears - Casa De La Moneda - Potosi (Bolivia)
Wooden Gears - Casa De La Moneda (Potosi)
Old Roller Press Powered by Wooden Gears
Wood Gears of an Ancient Roller Press Machine
Inside the Machine by Seattles Machine Crew - Burning Man 2005
The Machine by Seattles Machine Crew - Burning Man 2005
Centrifugal Cream Separator
Shoemaker Repairing Shoe
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