malaysia (473 photos)
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Korthalsia Palm Leaves
Plants Growing on Dead Tree
Monkey Bridge over River
Bird's Nest Fern - Asplenium Nidus
Tree with Aerial Roots in the Jungle (Borneo)
Entangled Tree Roots in the Jungle (Borneo)
Ficus Fig Tree Strangling Another Tree
Psychotria - Creeper Vine
Red Leaf - Macaranga
The Mulu Pinnacles (Borneo)
Park Guide Ipoi Lawin at the Mulu Pinnacles Summit (Borneo)
Trekking on Mulu Pinnacle Summit Trail (Borneo)
Pitcher Plant - Nepenthes Faizaliana
Happy to Have Reached the Mulu Pinnacles (Borneo)
Mulu Pinnacles (Borneo)
Mulu Pinnacles (Borneo)
Rock Blades - Mulu Pinnacles (Borneo)
Mulu Pinnacles (Borneo)
Mulu Pinnacles (Borneo)
Mulu Pinnacles Warning Sign (Borneo)
Ruins of Batu Bungan Village
Ruins of Batu Bungan Longhouse
Ruins of Batu Bungan Longhouse Destroyed by Fire
Small Boat on River
Large Snail Close-up (Borneo)
Lizard - Blue-throated Litter Skink (Borneo)
Red Millipedes Close-up (Borneo)
Mormolyce Phyllodes - Violin Beetle
Violin Beetle - Mormolyce Phyllodes
Spotted House Gecko - Gekko Monarchus (Borneo)
Stick Insect with Red Eyes on Leaf (Borneo)
Young Kids Riding Motorbike
Sepak Takraw Match
Sepak Takraw Ballgame
Takraw Player (Borneo)
Sepak Raga Players
Sepak Raga - Takraw Player (Borneo)
Takraw Player (Borneo)
Takraw Player in Twisted Position (Borneo)
Sepak Takraw Player
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