man (2583 photos)
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Butcher Dismembering a Chichen
Huge Crowd of Hindu Devotees Gathers before Dawn near the Ganges - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Baba (Hindu Holy Man) with Marigold Flower Crown and Long Dreadlocks - Kumbh Mela (India)
Hindu Baba Preparing Weed - Ritual Cannabis
Naked Hindu Devotees Running towards the Ganges River - Kumbh Mela (India)
Naked Hindu Devotees Walking to the Bank of the Ganges River - Kumbh Mela (India)
Naked Hindu Devotees Walking to the Bank of Ganges River - Kumbh Mela (India)
Naked Hindu Devotees Running towards the Ganges River - Kumbh Mela (India)
Hindu Man with Large Tilaka and Long Dreadlocks - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Naga Sadhus Performing Stick Trick - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Old Man Spinning Balls with Ropes (India)
Indian Guy Spinning Balls and Ropes in Circle (India)
I-Beam Steel Rails Rolled on Cart in Street (India)
Flooded Market Stalls - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Men Examining CRT Screens (India)
Wallah Carrying CRT Screens on His Head - Delhi (India)
Sadhvi (Female Hindu Sadhu) at the Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Shop Selling Herbal Mehndi (Delhi)
Boy Jumping from a Ghat into the Ganges River (Varanasi)
Group of Naga Babas (Naked Hindu Devotees) at the Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Japanese Professional Press Photographer at the Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Naked Hindu Devotees (Naga Babas) - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Naga Babas Procession - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Naga Baba Covered with Vibhuti Holy Ash - Kumbh Mela (India)
Naga Baba with Long Dreadlocks - Kumbh Mela (India)
Naga Baba with Ritual Rudraksha Beads - Kumbh Mela (India)
Naga (Naked) Babas Procession - Kumbh Mela (India)
Naked Hindu Devotees (Naga Babas) Run toward the Ganges River - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Naga Babas Procession at the Kumbh Mela (India)
Ghostly Naga Babas - Kumbh Mela (India)
Hindu Devotee - Kumbh Mela (India)
Naga Sadhu (Hindu Devotee) with Ritual Drum - Kumbh Mela (India)
Naga Babas (Naked Hindu Holy Men) at the Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Hindu Devotee with Red Eyes at the Kumbh Mela (India)
Procession of Hindu Devotees Covered with Ritual Vibhuti Sacred Ash - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Hindu Men Covered in Ritual Vibhuti Holy Ash Running toward the Ganges River for a Holy Dip - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Hindu Men Covered in White Vibhuti Holy Ash Running toward the Ganges River - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Hindu Devotees Wearing Strings of Marigold Flowers - Kumbh Mela 2013 (India)
Hindu Baba Smoking Chillum of Weed (Cannabis)
Hindu Sadhu Smoking Chillum of Weed - Ritual Cannabis
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