plant (125 photos)
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Large Leaf - Tropical Plant
Venus Flytrap - Carnivorous Plants - Dionaea Muscipula
Lotus Flower - Water Lily
Lotus Flower - Close-up
Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis - Hibiscus Flower
The Lotus Effect
The Lotus Effect - Water Droplets on Hydrophobe Lotus Leaf
Amazon Giant Water Lily Leaf - Victoria Amazonica
Cuscuta Californica - California Dodder Parasitic Plant
Ore Processing Plant - Potosi (Bolivia)
Screw Conveyor - Candelaria Silver Mine Ore Processing Plant (Bolivia)
Sludge - Ore Processing Plant - Silver Mine - Potosi (Bolivia)
Refining the Sludge - Ore Processing Plant - Candelaria Silver Mine - Potosi (Bolivia)
Split Pomegranates at Farmers Market
Juicy Red Pomegranates at Fruit Market
Petrokimia Gresik - Gresik Petrochemical Plant - Surabaya (Indonesia)
Large Dome - Petrokimia Gresik - Gresik Petrochemical Plant - Surabaya (Indonesia)
Gresik Petrochemical Plant - Petrokimia Gresik - Surabaya (Indonesia)
Electrical Power Station of the Gresik Petro-chemical Plant - Surabaya (Indonesia)
Petrokimia Gresik - Petro-chemical Plant near Surabaya (Indonesia)
Green Cocoa Pods - Fruit of the Cocoa Tree
Cocoa Pods - Fruit of the Cocoa Tree
Red Salvia Flower (Macro)
Monophyllaea in Natural Cave
Climbing Vine on Mossy Rock
Tropical Fern Leaves - Gunung Gading National Park (Borneo)
Diamond Joey Palm - Johannesteijsmannia Altifrons
Tropical Palm Plant - Johannesteijsmannia Altifrons
Pitcher Plant - Nepenthes Rafflesiana
Ginkgo Biloba Leaves
Tree and Liana in Rain Forest
Liana Making a Loop - Jungle (Borneo)
Korthalsia Palm - Fan-Shaped Leaves
Sterculia Macrophylla - Young Red Leaves
Merremia Peltata Plant (Borneo)
Plant with Round Leaves - Rubiaceae
Pometia Pinnata Plant (Borneo)
Epiphyte Plant on Tree Trunk (Borneo)
Bamboo Forest - Gunung Mulu National Park (Borneo)
Ficus - Strangler Fig Tree
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