plant (125 photos)
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Star-Shaped Tropical Wild Fruit - Duabanga Grandiflora (India)
Wild Cannabis (India)
Wild Pineapple Plant (India)
Banana Tree Leaves
Red Dahlia Flowers with Backlight
Paper Mulberry Leaves - Spiral - Leaf - Broussonetia Papyrifera
Vineleaf with Backlight
Lotus Flowers and Leaves on Pond
Smllflwr - Small Wild Flower (Brazil)
Jumping Cactus - Cholla
Pitcher Plants - Nepenthes Vieillardii (New Caledonia)
Елисейна ЕАД - Eliseyna EAD - Abandoned Mine and Metallurgic Plant near Zverino - Smelter - Rusty Pipes (Bulgaria)
Rose Thorns Close-up - Red Thorns
Prickly Pear Flower - Opuntia Basilaris - Desert Flower - Cactus
Prickly Pear Cactus Flower - Opuntia Basilaris
Crenate Phacelia - Phacelia Crenulata
Desert Lupine Leaves (Lupinus Sparsiflorus)
California Dodder - Cuscuta Californica
Orchid Flower - White Orchid
Rose Flower - Orange Color
Cobweb Thistle Flower (California)
Manzanita Shrub - Arctostaphylos (California)
Manzanita Shrub - Arctostaphylos
Marijuana - Cannabis Grows like Weed - Manali (India)
Dandelion Flower Closeup
Water Treatment Plant
Cut-Off Valve - Water Treatment Plant
Water Treatment Plant
Water Treatment Plant
Silk Floss Tree Flowers - Ceiba Speciosa - Chorisia Speciosa (Argentina)
Silk Floss Tree Flowers - Ceiba Speciosa - Chorisia Speciosa
Silk Floss Tree Flower - Ceiba Speciosa - Chorisia Speciosa
Silk Floss Tree Flower Buds - Ceiba Speciosa - Chorisia Speciosa (Argentina)
Old Gregg Costume - Green Man
Woman with Pot Leaves Costume - Bay to Breaker Footrace and Street Party (San Francisco)
Pink Hibiscus Flower - Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis
Orange Tropical Flower
Water Droplets on Hydrophobe Lotus Leaf
Amazon Water Lily Leaves - Victoria Amazonica
Orange Tropical Flower
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