safety helmet (150 photos)
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Miners - Potosi (Bolivia)
Potosi Mine Tunnels
Miner Hammering Chisel to Drill Blasting Hole
Mine Worker with Drill
Trolley in Mine Tunnel - Potosi (Bolivia)
Trolley Carrying Ore Out of the Mine
Mine Tunnel - Bocamina - Entrance - Adit
Miner Grinding Metal
"Use Su Equipo Protector" Safety Sign - Potosi (Bolivia)
Ore Processing Plant - Potosi (Bolivia)
Dynamite Sticks - Potosi (Bolivia)
Miner Buying Dynamite and Ammonium Nitrate (ANFO) at the Corner Store - Potosi (Bolivia)
Mine Trolley Carrying the Silver Ore - Potosi (Bolivia)
Monument to the Miners - Potosi (Bolivia)
Burning Man - Volunteer Firefighter in Fire-protection Suit
Burning Man - Man with Decorated Construction Hard Hat
Burning Man - Hot Mess
Construction Worker - Deck Formwork
Construction Worker Building Concrete Formwork
Construction Worker - Face Mask and Sun Hat
Construction Worker Cutting Timber to Make Concrete Formwork
Construction Workers with Straw Hats and Safety Helmets
Construction Cranes - Mosque
Construction Site with Cranes - Mosque
Construction Worker - Tool Pouch - Hammer
Construction Worker - Shoring
Building Timber Shoring
Construction Worker - Timber Shoring
Timber Formwork Construction - Shoring
Shoring Scaffolding - Construction Site in Miri (Borneo)
Construction Worker on Shoring Scaffolding
Safety Helmet over Straw Hats
Construction Surveying - Theodolite and Tower Ruler
Construction Worker - KATO Mobile Crane
Railroad Worker Cutting a Track Rail with a Oxy-Acetylene Torch
Oxy-Acetylene Cutting Torch
Railroad Workers Cutting a Track Rail with a Oxy-Acetylene Torch
Welder Cutting a Track Rail with a Oxy-Acetylene Torch
Welder Cutting a Track Rail with a Oxy-Acetylene Torch
Welder Cutting a Track Rail with a Oxy-Acetylene Torch
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