Miner Buying Dynamite and Ammonium Nitrate (ANFO) at the Corner Store - Potosi (Bolivia)

miner buying dynamite and ammonium nitrate (anfo) at the corner store - potosi (bolivia), ammonium nitrate, anfo, blasting caps, bolivia, cerro rico, dinabol, dynamite stick, fertilizer, flash lights, fuses, fuzes, hard hat, man, mina candelaria, mine worker, miner, mining, potosí, safety helmet, sticks
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Miner Buying Dynamite and Ammonium Nitrate (ANFO) at the Corner Store - Potosi (Bolivia)

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Miner buying Dynamite sticks, fuses, blasting caps and Ammonium Nitrate mix at the grocery store - Potosi (Bolivia)

A stick of dynamite like this one costs about $2, and the fuse and blasting cap are less than $2. Dynamite is used everyday in local mines, and you can buy it about everywhere in Bolivia.

The store also sells pink bags of premixed ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate with Fuel Oil), an explosive that is cheaper and more powerful than dynamite, but hard to detonate. Dynamite is used to trigger the blast of the Ammonium Nitrate mix.

Ammonium Nitrate (a common fertiliser) was used to blow up the Oklahoma City federal building.

For more information about Ammonium Nitrate explosive, read en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANFO

For more information about Dynamite, read en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamite

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on March 2, 2010
Surco, Potosi, Bolivia
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