trees (105 photos)
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Deer Cave - Mulu (Borneo)
Deer Cave and Garden of Eden - Mulu (Borneo)
Giant Ferns at the Mouth of Deer Cave - Mulu (Borneo)
The Mouth of Deer Cave - Mulu (Borneo)
Bat Colony Flying Out of Deer Cave
Swarm of Bats Flying Out of Deer Cave
Wild Burro Eating Bush
Old Military Plane - Malaysian Airforce
Kite Merchant in Park (Jakarta)
F-18 Hornet Low Fly-By
Kid Flying a Kite in Merdeka Square (Jakarta)
Borobudur Temple - Yogyakarta (Java)
Big Sur Canyon (Vantana Wilderness)
Big Sur River Valley - Vantana Wilderness
Small Fields on a Hill
Small Fields on a Steep Hill
Foggy Trail in Rainforest
Foggy Trail in Rainforest
Daylight Infrared Fisheye Photo of the San Francisco Sky
Daylight Infrared Photo of the San Francisco Sky
Einsiedelei Bei Saalfelden - Kapelle - Cave Chapel
Einsiedelei - Kapelle - Cave Chapel - Saalfelden
Tapping Tree Sap - Pine Tree
Exploiting Tree Sap - Pine Trees
Plastic Trash Littering the Environment
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