vantana wilderness (32 photos)
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Crimson Columbine Flower (Vantana Wilderness)
Crimson Columbine Star-Shaped Flower - Aquilegia Formosa (Vantana Wilderness)
Trekking in the Vantana Wilderness (California)
Trekker with Walking Stick (Vantana Wilderness)
Big Sur Canyon (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Resting on Tree Trunk (Vantana Wilderness)
Blue Jay Bird (Vantana Wilderness)
Shredded Redwood Tree Trunk (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Climbing on a Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker on Tree Stump - Redwood Forest (Vantana Wilderness)
Big Sur River Valley - Vantana Wilderness
Variable Checkerspot Butterfly (Vantana Wilderness)
Chinese Woman Whipping Hair
Hiker Fording a River (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Resting on Fallen Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Crossing a Fallen Tree Bridge (Vantana Wilderness)
Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Trunk of Fallen Redwood (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Walking on Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Fallen Redwood Tree on Trail (Vantana Wilderness)
Fallen Tree on Trail (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiking Trail Cutting through Fallen Redwood Tree Trunks (Vantana Wilderness)
Hiker Passes a Fallen Redwood Tree (Vantana Wilderness)
Woman Holding a Garter Snake
Holding a Harmless Mountain Garter Snake
Mountain Gartersnake - Thamnophis Elegans (California)
Mountain Garter Snake - Thamnophis Elegans Elegans (California)
Jumping from a Fallen Tree in Redwood Forest
Tree Hugger - Women Hugging a Fallen Redwood Tree
Tree Bridge - Fallen Redwood Tree Makes Natural Bridge for Hikers
Woman Standing on One Leg on a Cairn
Chinese Girl Bathing in River
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