wallah (89 photos)
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Woman Carrying Huge Sack on Her Head (India)
Man Pushing Cargo Tricycle with Heavy Load (India)
Freight Tricycle and Cycle Rickshaw (India)
Man Pushing Cargo Tricycle with Heavy Load (India)
Man Walking Cargo Tricycle with Heavy Load of Freight (India)
Man Pushing Freight Tricycle with Heavy Load (India)
Man with Heavy Load of Freight on Cargo Tricycle (India)
Man with Load of Boxes on Cargo Tricycle (India)
Man Pushing Cargo Tricycle with Heavy Load of Freight (India)
Doodh-Wallah on Bicycle - Milkman (India)
Broomsticks Street Vendor and Bicycle (India)
Man Transporting Large Load of Freight on Tricycle (India)
Man Pushing Cargo Bike with Heavy Load (India)
Man Riding Freight Tricycle (India)
Man Pushing Heavily Loaded Bicycle (India)
Man Pushing Cargo Tricycle with Heavy Load (India)
Coal Wallah Delivering Coal (India)
Overloaded Motorcycle (India)
Men Pushing Cargo Bikes with Heavy Loads (India)
Man Pushing Cargo Tricycle with Heavy Load (India)
Man Transporting Load of Marigold Flower on Freight Tricycle (India)
Woman Carrying Bags and Hay over Head (India)
Hindu Pilgrims and Street Vendors Carrying Large Sacks (India)
I-Beam Steel Rails Rolled on Cart in Street (India)
Wallah Carrying CRT Screens on His Head - Delhi (India)
Pouring Raw Milk - Metal Milk Container (India)
Doodh Wallahs - Milkmen at Bulk Milk Market in Street (India)
Milkmen at Bulk Milk Market (India)
Man Carrying CRT Screens on His Head (India)
Doodh Wallah Fingers with Milk (India)
Milk Merchant Tasting Raw Milk (India)
Milkman Smiling - Doodh Wallah (India)
Cycle Rickshaw (India)
Cycle Rickshaw with Freight Load - Delhi (India)
Load Bearer - Delhi (India)
Wallah with Red Teeth Caused by Chewing Areca Nut - Betel Nut Teeth - Delhi (India)
Cycle Rickshaw with Heavy Load of Freight - Delhi (India)
Cycle Rickshaw - Delhi (India)
Load Bearer Wallahs Carrying Heavy Load of Freight - Delhi (India)
Traffic Jam - Cycle Rickshaws - Delhi (India)
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