wild bird (40 photos)
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Pigeons near Bodnath Stupa - Kathmandu (Nepal)
Red-Tailed Hawk Eating Rodent
Red-Tailed Hawk Eating Squirrel
Red-Tailed Hawk Eating Prey
Red-Tailed Hawk Eating Squirrel
Himalayan Vulture Jumping on Road (India)
Group of Himalayan Vultures on Ground (India)
Himalayan Vultures on Ground - Spreading Wings (India)
Himalayan Vultures Walking on Road (India)
Himalayan Vultures Spreading Wings - Gyps Himalayensis (India)
Himalayan Vultures near Dead Cow Carcass
Himalayan Vulture Spreading Wings (India)
Stork Nest with with Young Storks Learning to Fly
Red-tailed Hawk Eating Pigeon
Swallow Bird and Nest
Two Small Birds Flying
Seagulls on the Sea Wall at Ocean Beach (San Francisco)
Great Egret (Ardea Alba)
Stork Nest on Transmission Tower
Kingfisher Bird Sleeping
Buffy Fish-Owl
Buffy Fish Owl
Oriental Pied Hornbill Bird
Stork-billed Kingfisher Bird
Baby Swiftlet Birds in Madai Cave - Gua Madai (Borneo)
Baby Birds in Nest
Kid Playing with Baby Bird
Child Holding Baby Bird
Blue Jay Bird (Vantana Wilderness)
Sparrows Flying (Paris)
Flying Bird Eating in My Hand
Flying Bird Eating in My Hand
Flying Bird Eating in My Hand
Agelaius Phoeniceus Gubernator - Flying Bird Eating in My Hand
Flying Red-winged Black Bird Catching Food from My Hand - Agelaius Phoeniceus Gubernator
Red-winged Black Bird
Red-winged Bicolored Blackbird Eating from My Hand
Flying Bird Eating in My Hand
Feeding a Red-winged Bicolored Blackbird
Pigeon and Squirrels Eating Seeds
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