Ruts in the Sand - Lautan Pasir (Sea of Sand) - Tengger Caldera - Java

ruts in the sand - lautan pasir (sea of sand) - tengger caldera - java, landscape, lautan pasir, ruts, sand, tengger caldera, volcanic ash
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Ruts in the Sand - Lautan Pasir (Sea of Sand) - Tengger Caldera - Java

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Riding a motorbike through Lautan Pasir (the "Sea of Sand") in the Tengger Caldera.

This very soft sand is actually thin volcanic ash, and there is about 5 Km of it to go through.

For more information about the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, read

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on September 12, 2011
Jalan Cemorolawang - Sukapura, Sukapura, Indonesia
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