annapurnas (60 photos)
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Terraced Fields in the Himalayas (Nepal)
Traditional Stone Houses in Mountain Village - Annapurnas - Himalayas (Nepal)
Water Fountain on Village Square - Kagbeni (Nepal)
Kagbeni Gompa - Tibetan Buddhist Monastery (Nepal)
Kagbeni Village and the Kali Gandaki River Valley - Lower Mustang (Nepal)
Old Stupa - Kagbeni Village (Nepal)
Narrow Street and Stone Walls in Kagbeni Village (Nepal)
Nepali Villager with Horses Carrying Wood (Nepal)
Kagbeni Gompa - Tibetan Buddhist Monastery (Nepal)
Whitewashed Traditional Stones Houses on Main Street - Marpha Village - Himalayas (Nepal)
Dhaulagiri Peak and Its Glacier (Nepal)
Jeeps on Mountain Dirt Road - Kali Gandaki Valley - Annapurnas (Nepal)
Whitewashed Houses - Main Street - Buddha Shopping Complex (Nepal)
Whitewashed Stone House - Marpha - Himalayas (Nepal)
Kagbeni Village - Kali Gandaki Valley - Himalayas (Nepal)
Tiri - Mustang District (Nepal)
Stupa in Kagbeni Village (Nepal)
Traditional Mud Houses - Kagbeni (Nepal)
Mud House - Kagbeni Village - Annapurnas (Nepal)
Kagbeni Village Street (Nepal)
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