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Black Dyed Clothing Drying on Lines in Street (Nepal)
Red Dyed Cotton Skeins Drying on Sticks (Nepal)
Prayer Flags Pole on Village Square - Kagbeni Village (Nepal)
Kali Gandaki Valley and Kagbeni Village (Nepal)
Nilgiri Summit behind the Runway of Jomsom Airport - Annapurnas (Nepal)
Entrance of Restricted Area of Upper Mustang (Nepal)
Tibetan Prayer Wheels in Kagbeni Village (Nepal)
Tibetan Prayer Wheels - Kagbeni Gompa - Tibetan Buddhist Monastery (Nepal)
Prayer Wheels at Kagbeni Gompa - Tibetan Buddhist Monastery (Nepal)
Fixing Puncture - Royal Enfield Bullet Motorbike - Kathmandu (Nepal)
Women Getting Water from Well (Nepal)
Little Nepali Girl Smiling (Nepal)
Old Nepali Man Sitting in a Pati (Nepal)
Taleju Bell and Nepali Gurkha Army Soldier - Bhaktapur Durbar Square (Nepal)
Temples on Bhaktapur Durbar Square (Nepal)
Nepali Boy with Homemade Cardboard Mask (Nepal)
Old Brick House with Cracks in Wall (Nepal)
Nepali People Sitting in a Pati (Nepal)
Narrow Gorge - Kali Gandaki River - Annapurnas (Nepal)
Dhaulagiri Peak and Glacier - Himalayas (Nepal)
Kali Gandaki Valley Road - Annapurnas (Nepal)
Waterfall in the Kali Gandaki Valley (Nepal)
Marpha Village - Rooftops - Valley (Nepal)
Motorbike on Rocky Road - Annapurnas (Nepal)
Guru Pandita Anand Meditation Center - Marpha (Nepal)
Old Stupas and Painted Cliff - Marpha (Nepal)
Dhaulagiri Mountain and Its Glacier (Nepal)
Whitewashed Stone Houses - Marpha - Main Street - Himalayas (Nepal)
Nyatapola Temple - Tachupal Tole - Bhaktapur (Nepal)
Small Cenotaphs - Hindu Memorial Monuments (India)
Semi Truck Stuck on Median Divider (India)
Nepali Hindu Woman Sitting in a Pati (Nepal)
Street with Old Brick Houses and Small Red Hindu Shrine - Bhaktapur (Nepal)
Hindu Funeral - Corpses of the Dead on Ghat (Nepal)
Hindu Shrine near the Pashupatinath Temple - Kathmandu (Nepal)
Baba Smoking Chillum of Weed - Shivaratri (Nepal)
Women Harvesting Tea Leaves - Tea Plantation (India)
Darjeeling Road Cut by Landslide (India)
Road Destroyed by Landslide (India)
Women Harvesting Tea Leaves (India)
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