dream: (4338 photos)
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Abandoned Landing Strip near Poso Hydro Project
Cleared Landslide on Road to Bada Valley
Cleared Landslide on Road to Bada Valley
Palindo Megalithic Statue - Bada Valley
Coconut Sprouting Monument on Traffic Circle
Deforestation - Jungle Parcel Was Burnt and Will Be Drained Then Used for Oil Palm Plantation
Food Dog in Cage, Waiting to Be Slaughtered at Dog Meat Market
Solar Eclipse Chaser in Pulau Dua
Cocoa Pods - Fruit of the Cocoa Tree
Butcher Singeing Fruit Bats Wings with a Blowtorch
Singeing a Fruit Bat Wing with a Blowtorch
Rainbow and Cumulus Clouds over the Ocean
Oil Palm Fruits Bunch with Section
Harvested Oil Palm Fruits Bunches
Typical Indonesian Road - Can You Tell What Is Wrong?
Food Dog Biting Cage, Waiting to Be Slaughtered at Dog Meat Market
Food Dog Biting Cage, Waiting to Be Slaughtered at Dog Meat Market
Fruit Bats Wings Hanging - Bushmeat at Meat Market
Protestant Church in Manado
Glossy Swiftlet Nest - Collocalia Esculenta
Glossy Swiftlet in Flight - Collocalia Esculenta
Hazy Black-Sand Beach
Small Fishing Boats Moored in Likupang
Soekarno Suspension Bridge - Manado
Small Tourist Boats in Manado Harbor
Small Tourist Boats in Manado Harbor
Small Tourist Boats in Manado Harbor
Soekarno Suspension Bridge - Manado
Store Selling Electric Fans and Lighted Christian Crosses Decorations for Easter
Music Mini-Cassette Tapes Store
Protestant Church in Manado
Red Christian Crosses on Road Side - Happy Easter
Pulau Dua Beach
Sumber Air Panas Uwedaka - Hot Springs near Luwuk
Air Terjun Saluopa - Waterfall near Tentena
Pura Leboni - Hindu Temple near Tentena
Bats Bushmeat - Meat Market in Indonesia
Bats Meat - Bushmeat
Bats Meat - Bushmeat at Meat Market
Singeing a Fruit Bat Wing with a Blowtorch
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