dream: (4338 photos)
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Singed Fruit Bat Wings
Channel Construction - Poso Hydroelectric Power Plant Project
Water Droplets - Raging River - Whitewater
Water Droplets - Raging River - Whitewater
Cleared Landslide on Road to Bada Valley
Breakwater of the Bira Harbor
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Singeing a Fruit Bat Wing with a Blowtorch
Poso River - Sulawesi
Flattened Dry Fishes Hanging
Flattened Dry Fish Hanging
Deforestation in Indonesia - Deforested Parcel Will Become Oil Palm Plantation
House Moving - People Relocate a House
House Moving - People Carry a House to a New Location
Lizard Roadkill - Sulawesi Island
Coastal Landscape in Northern Sulawesi
Butterfly Sewing Machines Shop - Manual Sewing Machines
Food Dog Sleeping in Cage, Waiting to Be Slaughtered at Dog Meat Market
Food Dog Biting Cage, Waiting to Be Slaughtered at Dog Meat Market
Glossy Swiftlet Chicks in Nest - Collocalia Esculenta
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Spectral Tarsier in Tree - Tarsius
Indonesian Boys Sitting on Shoulders
Indonesian Boys Playing on Beach
Boys Paddling on Small Canoe
Cooked Lobsters
Communication Tower with Microwave Repeaters
Two Indonesian Boys Jumping on the Beach
Sumber Air Panas Uwedaka - Hot Springs near Luwuk
Coffee Plant with Green Coffee Fruits
Papaya Tree with Green Papayas
Bats Wings on Table at Meat Market
Crucifix - Sulawesi Island
Raging River - Whitewater
Raging River - Whitewater
Raging River - Whitewater
Raging River - Whitewater
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